
“‘Eva: A-7063’ is a powerful film that so accurately portrays Eva Kor’s powerful life, her tenacity, her veracity and her inspiring personality. In a broken world she has brought healing, in a divided world she has fought for unity. At four score and four her work is not done. The power of her message embodied in her very essence of her being is not merely undiminished by the passage of time but made for ever more urgent by the time in which we live.”
— Dr. Michael Berenbaum, world’s foremost Holocaust scholar

“As Jewish communal professionals who have seen many films and documentaries about the Holocaust, Eva: A-7063 is truly unique – and her messages could not come at a more critical moment for society today. Like the world around us, this film exposes us to moments and ideas that are challenging, and even painful. Thankfully, the documentary masterfully brings the viewer to a place of hope, healing, and humanity. We strongly encourage you to consider having a local screening, whether as part of your community’s Jewish Film Festival or Holocaust Remembrance program, for your local youth group or lay leaders, or for students and teachers. We cannot recommend this documentary, along with the accompanying educational toolkit and discussion guide, with more enthusiasm to both Jewish and non-Jewish audiences of all ages.”
— Debra Barton Grant, CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater Indianapolis
— Lindsey B. Mintz, Executive Director, Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council

"'Eva: A-7063' is a bold and poignant film that is a moving testament to an extraordinary Survivor and her journey of self-liberation and empowerment. The movie attracted and engaged a large Museum audience and delivered an important story and message."
— Susan Abrams, CEO of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center

“Although it is difficult for some to embrace Eva’s philosophy (of forgiving the Nazis) and I am one of those — I do feel the film is a powerful one and deserves to be seen to witness how for Eva it changed her life in order for her to have the goodness instead of hatefulness in her soul … The film is excellent and certainly leaves the audience with much to discuss and debate.”
— Dr. Miriam Klein Kassenoff, director of the University of Miami Holocaust Teacher Institute
"A remarkable documentary about a remarkable woman ... Captures Kor in all her complexities."
— Richard Propes, The Independent Critic

“Incredible and inspiring!”
— American Public Television
“What an amazing piece of work! It is so beautiful! You have changed the world with this documentary.”
— Wendy Moss-Klein, co-founder of 2 Friends Entertainment
"Eva Kor as we've never seen her. ... The most complete portrait yet."
— Indianapolis Star

“Eva Kor is a true inspiration to the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The students were mesmerized watching the documentary as Eva Kor exemplifies such strength and resilience after all she’s been through. Pain must not be wasted — we must learn from one another and share our stories in order to make this world a better place.”
— Ivy Schamis, Holocaust Education teacher at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., site of a tragic shooting in 2018
“‘Eva’ is superb – all the way through. The tension between ‘anger’ and ‘anguish’ is powerful. This is a story splendidly told, and deserves to be widely witnessed.”
— David Lawrence, director of The Children’s Movement in Florida, and former publisher of The Miami Herald
“An exceptionally well-crafted tribute to a remarkable life. Bravo!”
— David Marwell, principle author of the Justice Department’s report on the Mengele investigation, and later the director at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City

"The (Eva Educational) toolkit really helps teachers design engaging lessons and activities, supported with best instructional practices, around the powerful themes of Eva's story. Just as importantly, teachers use it to create meaningful and authentic conversations about these themes that are student-centered. That makes this toolkit so unique, blending excellent curriculum support with a powerful guide map for connecting the profound meaning of Eva's story to students' lives."
— Eric Heagy, Indianapolis Public Schools Curriculum and Instruction Social Studies and World Language Coach

“Bravo! A remarkable film about a remarkable person. The transformation from anger to forgiveness is sublime.”
— Gerald Posner, author of “Mengele: The Complete Story”
“This documentary is an example of how all the elements of the craft somehow come together to create a work of extraordinary power and feeling. Excellent use of archival footage. Well known narrator. Incredible testimonies. Important and impactful program of a great woman. One of the best documentaries I’ve seen in the competition for some years.”
— Judge in the national Gabriel Award contest ("Eva" won first place in Human Dignity)

— George T. Marshall, president and CEO of the Flickers' Rhode Island International Film Festival
"Moving, impactful and emotional."
— South Florida Sun-Sentinel
“Powerful, moving, inspiring, challenging and impactful. Thank you for capturing Eva’s story and making it available to all of us.”
— Rabbi Robert B. Barr, Cincinnati

“I highly recommend that you show the film in your community, using it as a thought-provoking opportunity for education, reflection and conversation around the topic of forgiveness as well as a potential springboard for interfaith dialogue. … The conversation (at the Miami Jewish Film Festival) was one of the best and most rewarding that I can remember!”
— Rabbi Efrat Zarren-Zohar, executive director of the Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education in Miami

“The documentary ‘Eva A-7063’ carried timeless lessons for everyone: how to face our challenges with a matching determination, put our heart, spirit, and imagination to work, discover a healing for our scars, hope even in our setbacks; how to transform our lives to a nobler purpose and our rightful promise. Generations will remember and cherish the amazing gift: how Eva reached out and touched millions across the human universe as a part of her great legacy and treasured blessings.”
— KP Singh, founder and former president of the International Center of Indianapolis